Friday, January 4, 2008

10 Days Old

Tricia and I just returned from the hospital and are happy to report that the boys are making nice progress.  We also were able to hold them for almost two hours tonight which is heavenly.

Anthony is now 3 lb 15 oz and is essentially off the CPAP and was on room air and/or a nasal cannula all day.  He is eating well (via a feeding tube) and his PDA is closed.

Alex is now about 3 lb and is still on the CPAP, but on a much lower level.  He started eating today (via a feeding tube) so we expect him to start to pack on the pounds once his digestive system kicks in.  His PDA has almost closed.

Albie & Anthony kickin' back
Albie & Anthony


Tricia & Alex


Tricia next to Alex's incubator


Anonymous said...

so happy they are doing well,they are beyond beautiful. Love Marie Z

Anonymous said...

Glad to see things are coming along so well. Thanks for the pictures!

Mike & Julie

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! I look forward to seeing them in person soon!!

Anonymous said...

BROWNS 2008!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy the boys are growing and doing so well. My thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful pictures! I am so glad that everything is going so well, the boys are beautiful! I can not wait to meet them.

Learning As I Go Blog said...

What a beautiful family. I am so happy to see the four of you together and doing well! :) Danielle (TTTS Message Board)

Anonymous said...

Your babies are just so cute.I wish my kids woud be as cute as yours at birth.