Wednesday, December 3, 2008

11 Months Old

WOW! Where did the time go? The boys are now 11 months old and are doing very well. Alex is up to 18 pounds and Anthony is tipping the scales at 21 pounds. Alex decided to crawl for the first time on Election Day, November 4th. He has now mastered the art and is crawling all over the place. Anthony is watching him and is starting to rock back and forth on his hands and knees so he isn't too far behind. He is determined to crawl now as Alex has gotten into the habit of crawling up to Anthony, taking the toy he is playing with and crawling away with it. I told Alex to be careful as Anthony is much bigger than him so when he does start to crawl, watch out!

We spent the twin's first Thanksgiving at my Mom's house and had a great time. The babies tried homemade mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes for the first time. Their taste buds must not be up to par though as they preferred the Gerber brand sweet potatoes over the homemade stuff, oh well in good time I guess. There was a lot to be thankful for this year having these two boys with us. I thought back to last Thanksgiving, laying in the hospital and not knowing their fate many times during the day. Thanks to all of the prayers, we are very fortunate to have these babies in our lives today! They have brought all of us so much joy. "Grammy" mentioned them in her toast and got teary eyed. They truly are a blessing and have made the Thanksgiving holiday mean more to us than ever!

Well we are in the final stretch of our first year! The boys will celebrate their 1st Birthday on Christmas Eve, December 24th! Hard to believe... We will post another update after the big Birthday. Happy Holidays! Love you all, Tricia

Anthony and Alex




Anonymous said...

Looking great!
-Uncle Red

Anonymous said...

A great update. I'm going to spread the word to some of the prayer warriors that there is a new update. Love, Gigi